EVO ICL Implantable Collamer® in Las Vegas

See a world that is vivid, unmuted, and crisp. With the EVO ICL Implantable Collamer®, you can experience life with the clarity and visual freedom that your eyes were meant to enjoy. 

Best in Eye Surgery | Best in Eye Care
Break away from traditional prescription eyeglass frames and disposable contact lenses, and experience a newfound level of life-enriching vision you never imagined possible.

EVO ICL Implantable Collamer®. Best in Eye Surgery. Best in Eye Care.

What Is EVO ICL?

Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) Lens

The EVO ICL Implantable Collamer® is a groundbreaking vision correction surgery where your doctor adjusts your vision by implanting a lens in your eye. The lens sits just anterior to your eye’s natural lens and behind the iris.

After EVO ICL surgery, your vision is immediately corrected and you can see clearly without glasses or contact lenses. These lenses are crafted to correct your particular refractive error with total accuracy, just as standard contacts are. EVO ICL correction offers the same degree of freedom from eyewear that LASIK surgery does. This makes it a valuable alternative for individuals who are not good candidates for LASIK or other refractive correction surgeries.

Who Is a Candidate for EVO ICL?

EVO ICL eye surgery is often used on patients who are under the age of 45. Ideal candidates for EVO ICL surgery have myopic prescriptions that cannot be fixed with LASIK surgery.

The EVO ICL may be right for you if:

  • You are over the age of 18

  • You are interested in a vision correction solution for moderate to severe nearsightedness (with or without astigmatism)

  • Your prescription has not significantly changed within the last year

  • You have healthy eyes with the exception of being nearsighted or have astigmatism

Benefits of EVO ICL Surgery

While EVO ICL surgery can serve as a permanent correction, it’s removable and reversible if ever needed simply by extracting the lens. This form of surgery also offers outstanding visual results and a speedy recovery time. Some other benefits include:

  • The procedure’s success rates are high

  • Delivers sharp, clear vision

  • Patients enjoy excellent night vision

  • A great option for patients who don’t qualify for laser vision correction due to thin corneas

  • Can correct high levels of myopia (nearsightedness) as well as astigmatism

  • 5 to 10-minute procedure with quick recovery time

  • Does not cause dry eyes or worsen symptoms of dry eye syndrome4

  • Made of Collamer, a biocompatible material that works in harmony with your eye

  • Provides UV protection

Risks and Complications

Risks and complications of the EVO ICL surgery are infrequent and are generally minor. The chance of discomfort, harm or overall dissatisfaction is low. It’s important to note that the small issues that could arise are minimal, easy to resolve, and don’t occur in the majority of patients. In fact, one of the significant advantages of EVO ICL surgery is that risks and complications have been reduced with each technological advance in newer models.

Some risks and complications may include:

  • Cases Of Under-Correction Or Over-Correction

  • Possibility Of Replacement Or Repositioning of EVO ICL

Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) Lens

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What To Expect

What to Expect With EVO ICL?

With our EVO ICL surgery, you can expect to experience a life-transforming procedure that is fast, comfortable, and without pain.  On the day of surgery, all you have to do is lie back and relax as we guide you through every step of the process. Within 30-minutes, our team of highly experienced surgeons will have corrected your vision and you’ll be free to enjoy the world with new-found clarity.  

But, before you walk back through those doors and into the sunlight, we’ll monitor you for a few hours and book you in for a follow-up appointment the next day.  You will need to bring a friend or family member along to the appointment, as you’ll need someone to take you back home, so make arrangements in advance. 

While you’ll notice immediate improvements in your vision, as with any eye surgery, the full effect may take a bit of time. We offer comprehensive after-care support, with follow-up visits scheduled day after, in one month, and six months post surgery.

Personalized Treatment

Why Trust Brimhall Eye For Your EVO ICL Surgery?

Receive Treatment From Experienced Surgeons

With two of the most experienced eye surgeons in the Valley, Dr. Brimhall and Dr. Thomson, you can trust that your care will be in the best of hands. Both surgeons have been performing eye surgeries and treating patients with ICL implants for years, and have perfected their craft with countless successful procedures on individuals with visually demanding jobs like high-profile VIPs, jet pilots, and military special op troops. In being ranked in the 99th percentile for visual outcomes, and with an exceptional safety record, Brimhall Eye is a center of visual excellence. 

Voted Best Among Our Patients Since 2010

Our “less patients, more time” approach means we truly get to know you, your needs and what solution will fit you best. This is the driving force behind our consistent, glowing reviews, and is the reason why we’ve been a 5-star organization since our inception in 2010.

A lovely woman enjoys life with the best eye care tips

Experience Life With Clarity

We Utilize Cutting-Edge Laser Vision Correction Technologies 

20/20 vision is good, but we want your vision to be GREAT! We use the most advanced technology and techniques available in order to build a complete, topographical map of your eyes – think of it like a fingerprint. This map, coupled with advanced mathematics, means we can create and insert a customized EVO ICL Implantable Collamer® in Las Vegas – ensuring a perfect fit and an exceptional outcome!


Our experienced team of professionals will provide the personalized care and attention to detail necessary to ensure a successful ICL surgical outcome. You will always be informed of every step.

Before treatment begins, our team will review your medical history, lifestyle and vision goals in order to create a customized plan that is just right for you.

After your procedure, we will provide comprehensive after-care support and follow-up visits as needed so that you can stay informed about your progress and enjoy the best possible vision correction experience.

Read our FAQs to learn more!

The EVO ICL lens is made by combining and blending plastic with Collamer, which is a type of collagen. The result is a strong, flexible, soft material that is smooth, lightweight, and biocompatible with the human body.  These lenses can remain safely within the eye’s natural lens capsule for long-term use.

EVO ICL is designed to be a permanent solution for vision correction. However, it is possible to remove the lens in some cases. If necessary, removal can be done with a short outpatient procedure carried out by an eye care professional.

No. Since the implantable Collamer lens is implanted directly behind the iris, it remains completely invisible to everyone except your eye doctor.

No. Feeling the lens once it’s in place is rare, as it doesn’t attach to anything, and is designed to not move.

It’s completely normal to feel nervous before a surgical procedure, but you can relax with us! Just let us know that you’re feeling a bit on edge, and we’ll make sure to explain each step of the process along the way and take the time to answer all of your questions. Additionally, we have advanced sedation options that can be used during the procedure to reduce your anxiety, and ensure that you have a comfortable experience from start to finish.

If you’re not a good candidate there’s no reason to fret, as our vision correction team can offer up other options for you to consider. We will walk you through the viable treatments, and provide you with guidance on what we think will work best for your specific vision needs.

During LASIK, your eye surgeon adjusts the shape of your cornea to clear up your vision, while ICL is an implantable contact lens that corrects your vision. Both are safe surgeries with excellent outcomes!


Schedule a Consultation

Deciding between treatment options is hard. It’s really hard. If you are struggling with nearsightedness or other minor vision-related issues, EVO ICL surgery could be worth considering.

That’s why we have a team of counselors to help you weigh your options and choose which surgery or treatment is best for you. After you meet with one of our eye doctors, you’ll sit down with one of our counselors, Andrew, Lolita, or Char, and they will walk you through your doctor’s recommendations.

Eye consultation with Dr Brett D Brimhall MD and Dr Jordan Thomson DO